Friday, 20 February 2009

The Wonderful Ginko Papers

Such a beautifully designed site this, and what their selling is very lovely too! The first thing I always look at is the design and layout of a website, if its badly put together it can really put you off no matter how nice their products are! In this case the site is as yummy as the cute little cards and stationary they sell!

All sourced in Japan, no one does cute little characters and brilliant pop ups like the Japanese! And the best bit is Ginko Papers have just started doing global shipping, so we can all have a bit of cuteness in our lives!

Crocks & Pots Logo

Well I have been asked to create another web logo, the last lot I did where for Lucy over at Rural Muse, apparently Stephen and Serena over at Crocks & Pots saw these and liked them so got in touch to see if I would mind doing them one for their re-designed website. These guys also run the very excellent Victoriana Nursery, a brilliant family run nursery that supplies plants and seeds all over the UK.
In fact this year I will be reviewing some of the Victoriana Nursery seeds and plants over on my gardening blog, baring this in mind Stephen approached me with the proposal of trading some more plants for the logo design, this is something I hadn't considered before but as I would more than likely spend any money earned on plants anyway it made sense (plus I have always liked the idea of trading skills!).
So there we go, one 4ft olive tree will buy you a new logo for your website, anyone out there fancy trading some chickens for a few drawings?!

© Kat Whelan

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

New Shop!

I have finally got another shop up and running, phew! I've been meaning to start another one to get a bit more exposure for my work but have as usual been side tracked by shiny objects!
The best bit is this one is in lovely Sterling, so no more confusion trying to work out postage on the international currency converter.

I'll be keeping my good old Etsy shop going for international buyers but for any Brit's out there you can find the new one here:

Friday, 6 February 2009

Paper Theaters

Yes Theaters not Circuses, I'm branching out! I only have 3 designs at the moment but hopefully I will be adding to that soon, I've stuck with using the Hares again as the Dancing Hare Circus has been far and away the best seller, plus I just love drawing them!

Moon Dancing Hare Paper Theater

Little Baby Hare Paper Theater

Star Gazing Hare Paper Theater

© Under The Stair Studios