Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Art Exhibition

Phew, what a busy 2 weeks its been, I have signed up to do a local art show at the beginning of May, I also made the slight dubious decision to volunteer to put together a website for it! Am I mad, maybe?!

Any how it has been what I shall diplomatically describe as a learning experience ( I have learned NEVER to volunteer for things! only joking!) the website is finally up and running with most of the artists who are taking part on there, although I have a feeling I shall end up tweaking it until the last minuet, mostly because I keep thinking of useful things to put on there or if I just moved this and this around it would look better!

Anyway its all good practice for building my own website which I will eventually get round to sometime this century!

So if anyone's in Bath on the Mayday Bank Holiday Weekend (2nd,3rd & 4th of May) and you fancy a look at some very beautiful things, come and see us!

Here's my entry on the site:

Take a peek at the site and then say nice encouraging things to me!

1 comment:

meplusmolly said...

oooo go you busy bee! it looks great! v clean and fresh. I hope it all goes really well ;0